Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Check the SharePoint sites / Mailboxes are backing up in Veeam


Recently I got request from customer that, they want to know what are the SharePoint sites and Mailboxes are backing up in Veeam server. 

The small script helped to fetch this,

SP site:

$Org = Get-VBOOrganization -Name ""

$Job = Get-VBOJob -Name "SPSite_BackupJob_Name"

$Sites = Get-VBOOrganizationSite -Organization $Org 

$Sites | Select-Object Name |  Sort-Object -property Name 


Mailboxes :

$user = Get-VBOOrganizationUser -Organization $Org |Select-Object UserName |  Sort-Object -property UserName

Credit goes to :

Email sent from a shared mailbox are not saved to the Sent Items

  Issue : When a user sends an Email from his delegated (shared) mailbox the Email which sent from the delegated mailbox are stored in user...